Design Report

The Rights Company Design Report

  • is thorough and easy to read.
  • is fast and efficient.
  • is competitively priced.

Are you worried that the children’s character you just created will inadvertently look like a toy or existing character already out
on the market? Do you have a fictional logo that you want to include in a television show or feature film?

The Rights Company Design Report will provide you with details of any similar designs or images already in the marketplace.

From Disney characters to an obscure toy or anime element, The Rights Company Design Report will catch any similarities to your design as seen in other commercial elements or in existing designs registered with the Canadian and U.S. federal trademark offices. The Rights Company Design Report provides focused information that will alert producers to areas of possible legal exposure.

The Rights Company provides creators with the information they need to make informed decisions, therefore minimizing the risk of legal disputes.

Our research facility includes proprietary design and image search engines, all-access Internet based resources, internal databases, and expert researchers.